Recommended Resources for Learning and Action
This is a living list that we continue to update and add to of climate-related initiatives and resources to help all of us in catalyzing ambitious, society-wide action on climate change. Note that these resources are primarily limited to organizations present in Canada and the U.S., though many have both local and international reach. Many of these groups are independently supported by everyday citizens and volunteers just like you, and could use our help.
This list is by no means exhaustive for even this region, but should provide some helpful entry points to get started. Many of these organizations have local chapters, and nearly all are looking to expand their reach and positive impact! Do some research on what groups already exist in your area, whether their campaigns align with your values and perspective on tackling climate change, then jump in to lead the change in your community! Note that listing these organizations here does NOT imply any endorsement from or for Beyond Crisis.
Also note that the descriptions in this section use wording that has been drawn either from the organizations’ websites or from the organizations themselves. All call to actions listed have been suggested by each organization, and do not necessarily reflect the values of Beyond Crisis.
Know of an important cause or organization not listed here? If it's within our geographic scope and climate action values, we will consider adding it to the list. Email: team(at)
This list is by no means exhaustive for even this region, but should provide some helpful entry points to get started. Many of these organizations have local chapters, and nearly all are looking to expand their reach and positive impact! Do some research on what groups already exist in your area, whether their campaigns align with your values and perspective on tackling climate change, then jump in to lead the change in your community! Note that listing these organizations here does NOT imply any endorsement from or for Beyond Crisis.
Also note that the descriptions in this section use wording that has been drawn either from the organizations’ websites or from the organizations themselves. All call to actions listed have been suggested by each organization, and do not necessarily reflect the values of Beyond Crisis.
Know of an important cause or organization not listed here? If it's within our geographic scope and climate action values, we will consider adding it to the list. Email: team(at)
Beyond Crisis |
An interactive website for individuals, families, and organizations who want to learn more about the documentary Beyond Crisis, the complex challenges of climate change and the many amazing opportunities we now have to take action. Book your event for action at: |
A global, cutting-edge movement that aims to solve the climate crisis by inspiring individuals and groups to engage in large-scale grassroots activism, including through its international Go Fossil Free campaign to build a fossil free world and accelerate a just transition to 100% clean, renewable energy. Visit, and join in the next global mobilization for climate action by visiting
Alternatives Journal |
A/J is Canada’s national environmental magazine, independently publishing intelligent & informed environmental journalism that promotes an understanding of “environment” in the broadest sense of the word, including social and political dimensions, and stimulates dialogue about environmental issues. A\J has been covering the dimensions and dynamics of climate change since the concept became a household name. Subscribe to our print or digital magazine to discover how communities are wrestling with climate change – and what you can do to help.
Art of Hosting |
A highly effective way of harnessing the collective wisdom and self-organizing capacity of groups of any size, blending a suite of powerful conversational processes to invite people to step in and take charge of the challenges facing them. A useful resource for grassroots organizing.
Avaaz |
A global movement empowering millions of people to take action on pressing global, regional and national issues, using internet organizing to support ambitious collective action.
Blue Green Alliance Canada |
A Canada-wide strategic partnership that brings together Canadian labour unions, environmental and civil society organizations to advocate for working people and the environment by promoting solutions to environmental issues that have positive employment and economic impacts. This alliance includes the United Steelworkers, Environmental Defence, Unifor, the Columbia Institute, the Pembina Institute, the Broadbent Institute, and Clean Energy Canada.
Bullfrog Power |
A leading Canadian social enterprise for smarter, greener energy solutions, with a mission to inspire and empower people to lead the way to a renewably powered future. By choosing 100% green energy with Bullfrog Power you'll eliminate your energy-related emissions footprint, support the development of green energy projects across Canada, help fight climate change and transition Canada to cleaner, healthier energy systems.
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment |
CAPE is a non-profit organization directed by doctors that uses health argument to support policy changes needed to address climate change. We are currently working to: phase-out coal-fired power plants in Canada and around the world; win a moratorium on fracking (hydraulic fracturing) for natural gas in British Columbia; and improve funding and policies to support public transit and cycling in Canada.
Carbon Market Watch |
A non-profit focused on ensuring that climate policies such as carbon pricing and climate finance effectively contribute to the just transition towards climate friendly societies.
Center for Health, Environment and Justice |
An organization that aims to prevent harm to human health by providing technical and organizational support to individuals and communities facing a toxic hazard.
Citizens’ Climate Lobby |
A non-profit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization focused on national policies to address climate change - focused specifically on advocating for revenue-neutral carbon pricing with border carbon adjustments one riding at a time. To learn more, join the intro call at: To join a Canadian chapter and attend the annual National Conference and lobbying day in Ottawa, see “Building Bridges” at:
Clean Energy Canada |
Clean Energy Canada is a climate and clean energy think tank within the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. We work to accelerate Canada’s clean energy transition by sharing the story of the global shift to renewable energy sources and clean technology. Canadians have the resources, ideas and skills we need to grow a clean economy. You can stay in the loop on the latest clean energy news at:
Climate Action Network Canada (CAN-Rac) |
CAN-Rac is a coalition of more than 100 organizations across Canada working everyday to advance practical policies and front-line solutions to manage our carbon pollution and address the front-line impacts of climate change. Good plans, policies and laws provide the basis for long-term climate success. With the right policies, we can create the kind of whole system change necessary to combat climate change at all levels. We encourage our all Canadians to meet often with their elected representatives to advocate for good climate policy - for publications & tips on holding a successful meeting visit:
Climate Emergency Coalition |
A US-based organization working to create a national conversation on the emerging climate emergency, including alerting, engaging, and activating Americans to call for responses to meet the scope, scale, and urgency of the crisis.
The Climate Mobilization |
An organization focused on restoring a safe climate for all at emergency speed, through a society-wide mobilization effort grounded in both science and morality. Our City by City program supports regular committed people in leading their hometowns into negative emissions, providing expert assistance, training, power analysis research, communications, engineering plans, and more. Prepare your community for doing what must be done. Visit:
Climate Nexus |
An online journalism platform that works to change the conversation on climate change and clean energy, leveraging all forms of communication to tell the stories of the people impacted by climate change and those driving the energy transition.
The Climate Reality Project |
Founded by former US Vice President Al Gore, The Climate Reality Project equips citizens with the knowledge and tools to communicate the urgency of climate change, and to increase public support for technological, behavioural and policy solutions to the crisis. Recognizing the large influence urban action can have on reducing GHG emissions, Climate Reality Canada has launched the Community Climate Hub initiative to connect and support local citizen groups in pushing our cities towards action. Join us at
Climate Visuals |
This unique resource created by Climate Outreach offers seven core principles for effective visual communication, plus a growing library of photographs to provide inspiration and guidance for campaigners, picture editors and communications practitioners selecting imagery for communicating climate change. Climate Visuals aims to strategically change the working practices of influential visual communicators across the world, to catalyze a new - more compelling and diverse - visual language for climate change.
CO2 Earth |
An online platform that showcases both current and past levels of atmospheric CO2, a major driver of global climate change.
Council of Canadians |
Canada’s largest citizens’ organization, working to promote progressive policies on fair trade, clean water, energy security, public health care, and other issues of social and economic concern to Canadians.
The David Suzuki Foundation |
A leading environmental organization co-founded by environmentalist David Suzuki, using evidence-based research, education and policy analysis to help lead a sustainable Canada.
ecoAmerica |
ecoAmerica builds institutional leadership, public support, and political will for US climate solutions, reaching millions of Americans from all walks of life through a rapidly growing network of 200+ mainstream institutions and leaders from outside the traditional environmental movement. ecoAmerica conducts research to understand which Americans are ready to move on climate, how, and how to speak with them in ways that motivate action. Programs include Blessed Tomorrow, Climate for Health and the Path to Positive Communities. Recent reports include: Let's Lead on Climate, Mental Health and Our Changing Climate, Moving Forward: A Guide to Building Momentum on Climate Solutions in Your Community. See
The Energy Mix |
A free publication by Canadian non-profit Energy Mix Productions Inc., promoting community awareness of, engagement in, and action on climate change, energy, and post-carbon solutions. Visit for an indexed archive and to subscribe to a free, thrice-weekly e-digest.
Environmental Defence |
A leading Canadian organization that challenges and inspires change in government, business and people to ensure a greener, healthier and prosperous life for all. Take action: Canada currently give billions in public subsidies to oil and gas companies, which undermines climate action. Tell the federal government to stop giving public money to fossil fuel companies:
Eradicating Ecocide |
One law to protect the Earth: making ecocide a crime at the International Criminal Court. Adding ecocide to the list of international crimes prosecuted at The Hague shall protect the Earth and future generations by making CEOs and government ministers individually responsible for ecosystem destruction which they cause or contribute to. The procedure is simple and feasible, if little known, and shall create a legal duty of care which must be put before profit. Recently launched grassroots movement Mission LifeForce enables civil society to directly contribute to bringing this about. Visit
Food & Water Watch |
A nonprofit organization that advocates for common-sense policies that will result in healthy, safe food and access to safe and affordable drinking water.
Fridays for Future |
#FridaysForFuture is a movement that began in August 2018, after 15-year-old Greta Thunberg sat in front of the Swedish parliament every schoolday for three weeks, to protest against the lack of action on the climate crisis. This movement has since spread, inspiring millions of people to take action in youth-led climate strikes around the world.
Greenpeace |
An independent global campaigning organization that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace.
Green New Deal |
A bold and far reaching plan to deal with multiple crises at the same time, addressing both climate disruption and major structural problems and social inequities that exist in the current economy, and have created this crisis situation to begin with. The goal is to build far more sustainable and inclusive communities while also tackling global climate change in record time, in line with what science and human compassion demands. This policy proposal has been adopted differently to different contexts - for the US version, see description here; for Canada, visit the GND Canada site here.
In Case You Haven't Noticed |
A powerful and provocative animation and web resource inspired by the global movement to solve the climate crisis, sparked by a speech from a 16-year-old student who decided our survival was more important than going to class. This film was made to remind people how this movement started and how far we still have to go. Because the house is still on fire. Today, it’s on all of us to finally act like we’re in a crisis and demand immediate action.
Indigenous Climate Action |
Indigenous Climate Action’s (ICA) goal is to empower our communities and inspire Indigenous peoples to take climate action. Indigenous knowledge, rights, and ways of life are critical for developing pathways to climate stability, which can only be realized by also supporting the full recognition & implementation of the rights of Indigenous peoples. Together, we can work toward addressing and unpacking the climate crisis while building a just future for everyone. Support Indigenous rights, support Indigenous sovereignty and support Indigenous Climate Action in empowering our communities.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
The leading international body for assessing the science related to climate change, established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to provide policymakers with regular assessments of the scientific basis of climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation.
The Leap |
A non-profit that exists to inject new urgency and bold ideas into confronting the intersecting crises of our time, co-founded by author-activist Naomi Klein. Sign the Leap Manifesto at:
The National Pollutant Release Inventory (Canada) |
Canada’s publicly accessible inventory of pollutant releases to air, water, and land.
Native Land |
A site including maps of indigenous territory that are continually being refined based on user input, along with suggestions for how to make a land acknowledgement.
Our Children’s Trust |
A US-based team of youth and advisors leading a game-changing, youth-driven, global climate recovery campaign to secure the legal right to a stable climate and healthy atmosphere.
Our Horizon |
A national not-for-profit organization that works with governments to require climate change labels on gas pumps, as a low-cost, globally-scalable intervention to drive market change. Founded by Robert Shirkey, a Toronto-based lawyer, Rob is currently finishing a new book called The Banality of Oil exploring Our Horizon’s innovative climate change solution. It also shares the personal journey behind Rob’s advocacy and the highs and lows that come with lobbying governments across North America. You can pre-order your copy of the book at and use it as a resource to lobby your government for change.
Rapid Decarbonization Group |
A climate policy advocacy and scientific communication firm that works to inform government and non-government actors about the need for urgent action to address the climate crisis.
Sunrise Movement |
A movement of ordinary young people who are scared about what the climate crisis means for the people and places we love. We're building an army of young people to make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people.
SustainUS |
A US-based youth-led organization committed to training young leaders who can fuel social movements. We actively support young change agents who have been fighting in the trenches for their communities to grow for years. As US youth, our goal is to shift public consciousness and catalyze grassroots movements that can build a just and sustainable world. We publicly pressure corporate and political leaders to take bolder action on climate, to kick fossil fuel money out of politics, and to support an inclusive, clean economy.
Transition Network |
Transition Network works in service to the international movement of self-organizing Transition groups and Hubs, and others who are creating community-led change for a sustainable and just future founded on wellbeing. Our groups are as diverse as the communities they arise in, and form at various levels of scale to catalyze and support the transition to a better economy. To find a Transition Group near you (or to start your own) visit:
Toxics Release Inventory (USA) |
A database run by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, containing data on disposal or other releases of over 650 toxic chemicals, searchable by chemical, facility, or ZIP code.
An interactive website for individuals, families, and organizations who want to learn more about the documentary Beyond Crisis, the complex challenges of climate change and the many amazing opportunities we now have to take action. Book your event for action at: |
A global, cutting-edge movement that aims to solve the climate crisis by inspiring individuals and groups to engage in large-scale grassroots activism, including through its international Go Fossil Free campaign to build a fossil free world and accelerate a just transition to 100% clean, renewable energy. Visit, and join in the next global mobilization for climate action by visiting
Alternatives Journal |
A/J is Canada’s national environmental magazine, independently publishing intelligent & informed environmental journalism that promotes an understanding of “environment” in the broadest sense of the word, including social and political dimensions, and stimulates dialogue about environmental issues. A\J has been covering the dimensions and dynamics of climate change since the concept became a household name. Subscribe to our print or digital magazine to discover how communities are wrestling with climate change – and what you can do to help.
Art of Hosting |
A highly effective way of harnessing the collective wisdom and self-organizing capacity of groups of any size, blending a suite of powerful conversational processes to invite people to step in and take charge of the challenges facing them. A useful resource for grassroots organizing.
Avaaz |
A global movement empowering millions of people to take action on pressing global, regional and national issues, using internet organizing to support ambitious collective action.
Blue Green Alliance Canada |
A Canada-wide strategic partnership that brings together Canadian labour unions, environmental and civil society organizations to advocate for working people and the environment by promoting solutions to environmental issues that have positive employment and economic impacts. This alliance includes the United Steelworkers, Environmental Defence, Unifor, the Columbia Institute, the Pembina Institute, the Broadbent Institute, and Clean Energy Canada.
Bullfrog Power |
A leading Canadian social enterprise for smarter, greener energy solutions, with a mission to inspire and empower people to lead the way to a renewably powered future. By choosing 100% green energy with Bullfrog Power you'll eliminate your energy-related emissions footprint, support the development of green energy projects across Canada, help fight climate change and transition Canada to cleaner, healthier energy systems.
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment |
CAPE is a non-profit organization directed by doctors that uses health argument to support policy changes needed to address climate change. We are currently working to: phase-out coal-fired power plants in Canada and around the world; win a moratorium on fracking (hydraulic fracturing) for natural gas in British Columbia; and improve funding and policies to support public transit and cycling in Canada.
Carbon Market Watch |
A non-profit focused on ensuring that climate policies such as carbon pricing and climate finance effectively contribute to the just transition towards climate friendly societies.
Center for Health, Environment and Justice |
An organization that aims to prevent harm to human health by providing technical and organizational support to individuals and communities facing a toxic hazard.
Citizens’ Climate Lobby |
A non-profit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization focused on national policies to address climate change - focused specifically on advocating for revenue-neutral carbon pricing with border carbon adjustments one riding at a time. To learn more, join the intro call at: To join a Canadian chapter and attend the annual National Conference and lobbying day in Ottawa, see “Building Bridges” at:
Clean Energy Canada |
Clean Energy Canada is a climate and clean energy think tank within the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. We work to accelerate Canada’s clean energy transition by sharing the story of the global shift to renewable energy sources and clean technology. Canadians have the resources, ideas and skills we need to grow a clean economy. You can stay in the loop on the latest clean energy news at:
Climate Action Network Canada (CAN-Rac) |
CAN-Rac is a coalition of more than 100 organizations across Canada working everyday to advance practical policies and front-line solutions to manage our carbon pollution and address the front-line impacts of climate change. Good plans, policies and laws provide the basis for long-term climate success. With the right policies, we can create the kind of whole system change necessary to combat climate change at all levels. We encourage our all Canadians to meet often with their elected representatives to advocate for good climate policy - for publications & tips on holding a successful meeting visit:
Climate Emergency Coalition |
A US-based organization working to create a national conversation on the emerging climate emergency, including alerting, engaging, and activating Americans to call for responses to meet the scope, scale, and urgency of the crisis.
The Climate Mobilization |
An organization focused on restoring a safe climate for all at emergency speed, through a society-wide mobilization effort grounded in both science and morality. Our City by City program supports regular committed people in leading their hometowns into negative emissions, providing expert assistance, training, power analysis research, communications, engineering plans, and more. Prepare your community for doing what must be done. Visit:
Climate Nexus |
An online journalism platform that works to change the conversation on climate change and clean energy, leveraging all forms of communication to tell the stories of the people impacted by climate change and those driving the energy transition.
The Climate Reality Project |
Founded by former US Vice President Al Gore, The Climate Reality Project equips citizens with the knowledge and tools to communicate the urgency of climate change, and to increase public support for technological, behavioural and policy solutions to the crisis. Recognizing the large influence urban action can have on reducing GHG emissions, Climate Reality Canada has launched the Community Climate Hub initiative to connect and support local citizen groups in pushing our cities towards action. Join us at
Climate Visuals |
This unique resource created by Climate Outreach offers seven core principles for effective visual communication, plus a growing library of photographs to provide inspiration and guidance for campaigners, picture editors and communications practitioners selecting imagery for communicating climate change. Climate Visuals aims to strategically change the working practices of influential visual communicators across the world, to catalyze a new - more compelling and diverse - visual language for climate change.
CO2 Earth |
An online platform that showcases both current and past levels of atmospheric CO2, a major driver of global climate change.
Council of Canadians |
Canada’s largest citizens’ organization, working to promote progressive policies on fair trade, clean water, energy security, public health care, and other issues of social and economic concern to Canadians.
The David Suzuki Foundation |
A leading environmental organization co-founded by environmentalist David Suzuki, using evidence-based research, education and policy analysis to help lead a sustainable Canada.
ecoAmerica |
ecoAmerica builds institutional leadership, public support, and political will for US climate solutions, reaching millions of Americans from all walks of life through a rapidly growing network of 200+ mainstream institutions and leaders from outside the traditional environmental movement. ecoAmerica conducts research to understand which Americans are ready to move on climate, how, and how to speak with them in ways that motivate action. Programs include Blessed Tomorrow, Climate for Health and the Path to Positive Communities. Recent reports include: Let's Lead on Climate, Mental Health and Our Changing Climate, Moving Forward: A Guide to Building Momentum on Climate Solutions in Your Community. See
The Energy Mix |
A free publication by Canadian non-profit Energy Mix Productions Inc., promoting community awareness of, engagement in, and action on climate change, energy, and post-carbon solutions. Visit for an indexed archive and to subscribe to a free, thrice-weekly e-digest.
Environmental Defence |
A leading Canadian organization that challenges and inspires change in government, business and people to ensure a greener, healthier and prosperous life for all. Take action: Canada currently give billions in public subsidies to oil and gas companies, which undermines climate action. Tell the federal government to stop giving public money to fossil fuel companies:
Eradicating Ecocide |
One law to protect the Earth: making ecocide a crime at the International Criminal Court. Adding ecocide to the list of international crimes prosecuted at The Hague shall protect the Earth and future generations by making CEOs and government ministers individually responsible for ecosystem destruction which they cause or contribute to. The procedure is simple and feasible, if little known, and shall create a legal duty of care which must be put before profit. Recently launched grassroots movement Mission LifeForce enables civil society to directly contribute to bringing this about. Visit
Food & Water Watch |
A nonprofit organization that advocates for common-sense policies that will result in healthy, safe food and access to safe and affordable drinking water.
Fridays for Future |
#FridaysForFuture is a movement that began in August 2018, after 15-year-old Greta Thunberg sat in front of the Swedish parliament every schoolday for three weeks, to protest against the lack of action on the climate crisis. This movement has since spread, inspiring millions of people to take action in youth-led climate strikes around the world.
Greenpeace |
An independent global campaigning organization that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace.
Green New Deal |
A bold and far reaching plan to deal with multiple crises at the same time, addressing both climate disruption and major structural problems and social inequities that exist in the current economy, and have created this crisis situation to begin with. The goal is to build far more sustainable and inclusive communities while also tackling global climate change in record time, in line with what science and human compassion demands. This policy proposal has been adopted differently to different contexts - for the US version, see description here; for Canada, visit the GND Canada site here.
In Case You Haven't Noticed |
A powerful and provocative animation and web resource inspired by the global movement to solve the climate crisis, sparked by a speech from a 16-year-old student who decided our survival was more important than going to class. This film was made to remind people how this movement started and how far we still have to go. Because the house is still on fire. Today, it’s on all of us to finally act like we’re in a crisis and demand immediate action.
Indigenous Climate Action |
Indigenous Climate Action’s (ICA) goal is to empower our communities and inspire Indigenous peoples to take climate action. Indigenous knowledge, rights, and ways of life are critical for developing pathways to climate stability, which can only be realized by also supporting the full recognition & implementation of the rights of Indigenous peoples. Together, we can work toward addressing and unpacking the climate crisis while building a just future for everyone. Support Indigenous rights, support Indigenous sovereignty and support Indigenous Climate Action in empowering our communities.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
The leading international body for assessing the science related to climate change, established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to provide policymakers with regular assessments of the scientific basis of climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation.
The Leap |
A non-profit that exists to inject new urgency and bold ideas into confronting the intersecting crises of our time, co-founded by author-activist Naomi Klein. Sign the Leap Manifesto at:
The National Pollutant Release Inventory (Canada) |
Canada’s publicly accessible inventory of pollutant releases to air, water, and land.
Native Land |
A site including maps of indigenous territory that are continually being refined based on user input, along with suggestions for how to make a land acknowledgement.
Our Children’s Trust |
A US-based team of youth and advisors leading a game-changing, youth-driven, global climate recovery campaign to secure the legal right to a stable climate and healthy atmosphere.
Our Horizon |
A national not-for-profit organization that works with governments to require climate change labels on gas pumps, as a low-cost, globally-scalable intervention to drive market change. Founded by Robert Shirkey, a Toronto-based lawyer, Rob is currently finishing a new book called The Banality of Oil exploring Our Horizon’s innovative climate change solution. It also shares the personal journey behind Rob’s advocacy and the highs and lows that come with lobbying governments across North America. You can pre-order your copy of the book at and use it as a resource to lobby your government for change.
Rapid Decarbonization Group |
A climate policy advocacy and scientific communication firm that works to inform government and non-government actors about the need for urgent action to address the climate crisis.
Sunrise Movement |
A movement of ordinary young people who are scared about what the climate crisis means for the people and places we love. We're building an army of young people to make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people.
SustainUS |
A US-based youth-led organization committed to training young leaders who can fuel social movements. We actively support young change agents who have been fighting in the trenches for their communities to grow for years. As US youth, our goal is to shift public consciousness and catalyze grassroots movements that can build a just and sustainable world. We publicly pressure corporate and political leaders to take bolder action on climate, to kick fossil fuel money out of politics, and to support an inclusive, clean economy.
Transition Network |
Transition Network works in service to the international movement of self-organizing Transition groups and Hubs, and others who are creating community-led change for a sustainable and just future founded on wellbeing. Our groups are as diverse as the communities they arise in, and form at various levels of scale to catalyze and support the transition to a better economy. To find a Transition Group near you (or to start your own) visit:
Toxics Release Inventory (USA) |
A database run by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, containing data on disposal or other releases of over 650 toxic chemicals, searchable by chemical, facility, or ZIP code.